IX. Salt

IX. Salt, Hedonic Price Index, 1784 = 1
IX. Salt
d.f. = 461
R2 = 0,7757

No.of Obs.
Volume, current prices, ß
Total Volume, excl Herlufsholm, in
Std. dev.
EKSP(Std. dev.)

Lyneburger 174 188.252 106.601 0,0873 0,2130 1,091 1,237
Salt 393 230.397 247.802 5,4347 0,0614 229,214 1,063

Bregentved 35 12.506 10.437 0,0442 0,1680 1,045 1,183
Erholm 22 4.625 5.076 0,1520 0,1597 1,164 1,173
Frederiksgave 35 18.242 23.116 0,2479 0,1721 1,281 1,188
Frijsenborg 37 49.540 30.540 0,1886 0,1441 1,208 1,155
Fuirendal 58 34.417 24.156 0,3333 0,1599 1,396 1,173
Fussingø 12 7.168 5.072 0,2128 0,1721 1,237 1,188
Gaunø 16 5.080 3.607 0,2481 0,1609 1,282 1,175
Giesegaard 56 45.232 36.349 0,2600 0,1526 1,297 1,165
Gisselfeld 50 18.054 9.546 0,1891 0,1521 1,208 1,164
Herlufsholm§ 21 31.323 26.223

Holsteinsborg 17 6.762 4.286 0,2333 0,1525 1,263 1,165
Lindenborg 82 97.095 58.318 0,1533 0,2491 1,166 1,283
Løvenborg 32 21.342 21.759 0,5588 0,2491 1,749 1,283
Odden 2 128 52 -0,0882 0,1657 0,916 1,180
Støvringgrd. Husholdn. 2 172 160 -0,0737 0,2491 0,929 1,283
Støvringgaard 13 1.768 1.297 -0,0737 0,2491 0,929 1,283
Tåsinge 98 96.518 120.633 0,0000 0,0000 1,000 1,000

1661 2 2.208 2.182

1662 2 4.672 6.000

1663 1 2.592 2.455

1664 2 2.432 2.727

1665 5 7.624 5.455

1666 2 5.760 3.620

1667 5 5.495 3.477

1668 2 540 307

1705 2 1.472 1.134 0,5693 0,0227 1,767 1,023
1706 1 408 277 0,5198 0,1071 1,682 1,113
1707 1 816 554 0,1265 0,1653 1,135 1,180
1709 4 766 532 0,7532 0,2041 2,124 1,226
1710 1 96 35 0,4850 0,0507 1,624 1,052
1711 1 1.536 831 0,3542 0,0383 1,425 1,039
1712 5 3.920 2.023 0,4998 0,0630 1,648 1,065
1713 6 4.368 2.380 0,6504 0,1037 1,916 1,109
1714 5 1.148 668 0,4633 0,0422 1,589 1,043
1715 4 684 382 0,4863 0,0662 1,626 1,068
1716 3 1.008 519 0,3852 0,1354 1,470 1,145
1717 4 642 312 0,4523 0,0509 1,572 1,052
1718 7 2.540 1.404 0,4511 0,0481 1,570 1,049
1719 3 1.410 727 0,0219 0,0542 1,022 1,056
1720 4 2.192 1.035 0,1231 0,0580 1,131 1,060
1724 2 848 500 0,4886 0,0547 1,630 1,056
1725 1 1.920 1.146 0,2112 0,1667 1,235 1,181
1726 4 1.936 1.073 0,0583 0,1265 1,060 1,135
1727 2 1.608 1.389 0,2064 0,1265 1,229 1,135
1728 4 408 437 0,2343 0,1296 1,264 1,138
1729 6 668 704 0,2385 0,1034 1,269 1,109
1730 2 886 384 0,0722 0,1401 1,075 1,150
1731 2 124 75 -0,0253 0,1262 0,975 1,134
1732 3 438 281 0,0272 0,0850 1,028 1,089
1734 1 24 13 -0,1549 0,1401 0,857 1,150
1735 3 1.872 1.420 -0,0727 0,1013 0,930 1,107
1736 2 120 82 -0,0634 0,0785 0,939 1,082
1737 2 692 529 0,0381 0,0808 1,039 1,084
1738 2 88 87 -0,0610 0,0799 0,941 1,083
1739 3 464 437 -0,0442 0,0801 0,957 1,083
1740 5 1.936 1.885 -0,0939 0,0839 0,910 1,087
1741 4 2.720 5.271 -0,1787 0,0844 0,836 1,088
1742 1 1.920 1.501 -0,0025 0,0814 0,998 1,085
1743 1 704 534 0,1389 0,0872 1,149 1,091
1745 1 20 13 0,0213 0,0920 1,022 1,096
1746 1 24 13 0,1103 0,0864 1,117 1,090
1747 1 576 2.751 -0,0516 0,0782 0,950 1,081
1748 4 576 479 -0,0577 0,0820 0,944 1,085
1749 5 5.091 4.995 -0,1646 0,0730 0,848 1,076
1750 3 2.354 2.111 -0,1943 0,0979 0,823 1,103
1751 3 1.900 2.353 -0,1540 0,0943 0,857 1,099
1752 6 19.896 44.632 -0,1552 0,0780 0,856 1,081
1753 3 676 909 -0,1597 0,0965 0,852 1,101
1754 8 7.258 8.963 -0,1640 0,0840 0,849 1,088
1755 3 1.240 1.055 -0,1369 0,0780 0,872 1,081
1756 3 4.024 3.034 -0,4445 0,0844 0,641 1,088
1757 4 6.496 5.805 -0,4043 0,0842 0,667 1,088
1758 4 4.512 3.610 -0,0022 0,0960 0,998 1,101
1759 2 216 188 0,0672 0,1280 1,070 1,137
1760 5 7.752 6.017 -0,2134 0,1059 0,808 1,112
1761 16 9.560 7.694 -0,1859 0,1166 0,830 1,124
1762 11 2.952 2.060 0,0532 0,1216 1,055 1,129
1763 5 1.696 1.149 0,1246 0,1217 1,133 1,129
1764 5 4.024 2.476 -0,1120 0,0918 0,894 1,096
1765 5 2.176 1.859 -0,2781 0,0809 0,757 1,084
1766 7 4.984 3.645 -0,3513 0,1163 0,704 1,123
1767 4 5.560 3.054 -0,2547 0,1758 0,775 1,192
1768 9 5.460 4.455 -0,3097 0,1255 0,734 1,134
1769 14 6.020 5.614 -0,1937 0,1244 0,824 1,132
1770 13 6.626 6.623 0,0305 0,1406 1,031 1,151
1771 19 13.136 10.922 0,1386 0,1409 1,149 1,151
1772 13 6.988 5.389 -0,3237 0,0979 0,723 1,103
1773 8 3.816 5.014 -0,3405 0,1404 0,711 1,151
1774 16 10.236 9.828 -0,5507 0,1067 0,577 1,113
1775 9 5.348 4.787 -0,2968 0,1413 0,743 1,152
1776 8 7.029 6.765 -0,4048 0,1451 0,667 1,156
1777 21 17.746 16.537 -0,2307 0,1205 0,794 1,128
1778 14 13.568 9.920 -0,3233 0,1267 0,724 1,135
1779 16 12.428 9.467 -1,5635 0,2290 0,209 1,257
1780 11 6.064 4.614 -0,0038 0,2515 0,996 1,286
1781 9 10.772 8.143 -0,1861 0,2515 0,830 1,286
1782 11 7.712 4.717 0,3059 0,2329 1,358 1,262
1783 14 13.324 9.573 -0,2356 0,2292 0,790 1,258
1784 17 12.653 8.292 0,0000 0,0000 1,000 1,000
1785 12 13.052 9.157 -0,5520 0,1281 0,576 1,137
1786 12 9.596 7.275 -0,1592 0,1174 0,853 1,125
1787 15 13.972 9.424 -0,3322 0,1454 0,717 1,156
1788 15 9.086 7.082 -0,3548 0,1766 0,701 1,193
1789 15 14.200 8.771 -0,3643 0,1760 0,695 1,192
1790 16 16.712 9.761 -0,4141 0,1976 0,661 1,219
1791 7 5.624 3.846 -0,3546 0,1575 0,701 1,171
1792 3 4.378 3.357 -0,0038 0,2515 0,996 1,286
1793 12 14.856 9.345 0,1792 0,1550 1,196 1,168
1794 4 4.860 2.406 0,2679 0,1738 1,307 1,190
1795 3 4.496 2.967 0,3960 0,1740 1,486 1,190
1796 7 5.936 4.401 -0,1257 0,1180 0,882 1,125
1797 4 2.268 2.046 -0,1631 0,1468 0,850 1,158
1798 4 2.704 2.412 -0,1012 0,2126 0,904 1,237
1799 4 1.464 1.544 0,4595 0,1260 1,583 1,134
1800 2 576 523 0,5160 0,2290 1,675 1,257

§ There is no year in which there is both price observations from the Herlufsholm Estate and one or more of the other estates. Therefore, none of the 21 price observations from Herlufsholm Estate are used in the data base for the pricing model.
The pricing model on the other hand is used to calculate 1784-prices for the Herlufsholm observations.